
Sunday, September 8, 2013


We enjoyed a nice walk this brisk cool fall afternoon in Yorkshire. Enjoy some of the sights we saw along the way.



  1. What a wonderful walk. It is so amazing how the houses are so beautiful and not all cookie cutter like we have here. How far do you normally walk?

    The grass is certainly green there. WE have to water water here and still nothing as pretty as that. The fruit almost looks like nectarines.. What do they taste like. Obviously they must be pretty tasty as Sadie seems to enjoy them.

    Seesaws looked like fun. What cool parks you all find.

    Have a great week kids and adults as well.

    WE love you all.

    Mom and Pop

  2. Love all your pictures and stories. I know it must be hard but all you guys make it look easy adjusting to a new country. Thank you for sharing all your trips.
