
Monday, September 30, 2013


I have been a bit busy lately and probably haven't made enough time for Kel and I to do something, so she has been on me all week to take her to an antique fair/show this past weekend.  She has enjoyed watching a number of British antique shows over here on TV (similar to Antiques Roadshow) and has a bit of a bug for the antiques these days.

After dropping Dawson and his friend off after a sleepover on Saturday night, we took Kel to the Harrogate Antique Show.  I'm thinking...Antique flea market...but it was more like a Christie's auction.

Paintings for £180,000 (Pounds that is) - converted to US + Tax that is about $350,000 for a painting of a hunting dog and a bird.  We also saw a high back embroidered chair - that looks a bit like one we have in our house (minus the embroidery) for $50,000.  Needless to say we walked out without a purchase to take home with us, although there were clearly people there making purchases.  Out of our league...we are looking for the next flea market that sets up around a horse track to try our luck again.



  1. Kel, I wonder if Dave planned this. He probably knew how expensive this was so he Knew that you wouldn't be able to buy anything!!!!!!! LOL I bet you were glad you didn't have really small children in a place like that. Who knows what could be broken.
    Yip, horse track and flea market would be more my style also. But it was good to get away.


    Mom and Pop

  2. Hmmmm....I'm with mom, this sounds suspicious. In all of england, he takes you to an antique show with $100000 sweaters? Interesting. I think you've been set up!

    Glad you guys got out to do some shopping. Can't wait for the 2 of us to take it all in (and trust me, we'll find something more affordable :)).

    Love you,
    Aunt Di

  3. Whoa, far different from our KC flea market where you can leave with a truck load of stuff for $5. haha Glad you guys could get out and do something together.

  4. Just for my 2 cents worth, whoever has some extra time - take up learning EMBROIDERY now, and start super-gluing designs on your high-back chairs!
