
Saturday, September 28, 2013


We picked up Chloe last night from Volleyball practice at another school where she plays with a club team.  Practice ended at 7:30 PM and it was already quite dark, as we walked up to the gym, we noticed a number of bikes, gym bags, soccer and rugby shoes just sitting outside with no concern for any of it being taken away.  We certainly do feel safer here - it isn't anything to see a young girl/boy walking a long a street at night when it is dark and they don't seem to have a care.  Our first instinct was to pull over and pick them up when we got here, but have learned that is the norm.  One great advantage of living here is a real sense of safety.


1 comment:

  1. Sometimes you find advantages when you are least expecting it. It is good that you all feel safe there. It always eases a mom and dads mind. You probably wouldn't have the security that you feel now if it wasn't for seeing things like that.

    I am not so sure that bikes and sports equipment would still be there when you came back for them in some cities in the states. . It is nice to know that there are still places in the world where you feel safe and secure. Don't we wish everyone could feel that sense of security? It is a shame that all can't.


    Mom and Pop
