
Thursday, September 5, 2013


Well today was the day where all three kids made their way back to Ashville College to begin a new year (from the start) with their friends and classmates. Sadie is in the pre-prep school in Year 2 (equivalent to 1st Grade in the U.S.).  Dawson moved from the Jr. School to the Senior School (same as High School in the U.S.) and he is in Year 7 (same as 6th grade in the U.S.).  Chloe is still at the senior school in Year 10 (same as Year 9 in the U.S.)   All were a bit nervous leading up to school starting, as I believe most of them thought it would be as hard as it was 8 months ago when we first got here.  I think they all had better days than they had expected.   I took today off so I could help with keeping things moving  - a bit of silly dancing in the morning to Chuck Berry's "School Days" as we had breakfast kept the mood lite.  As we made our way to school they each started to battle the butterflies that were forming in their stomachs, but as we pulled up and as God would have it, Dawson's good friend pulled up right behind us and Chloe was met by one of her good friends who was the buddy for a new American that was just starting school.  We got them off and then took Sadie on to her school.  All good right til the last moment when she was about to go into class and the tears came, but she was brave and her teacher stepped in quickly to get her focused on finding her desk, seeing her friends, etc.  In short order...she was on into the routine and enjoying it as we later found out. 

Enjoy some pics of the morning:

After dropping the kiddos off, Kel and I left for a little Caffeine and Retail therapy to keep the mind in the right place.  We enjoyed our day together.

We had to do a little shopping for some school supplies today.  Seems like the kids have enjoyed playing badmitten in the backyard they are thinking about playing for the school. We went to buy them proper (English term) badmitten rackets.  As we were shopping, we were shocked to see that you can buy a $300 badmitten racket.  EGADS.. We bought a couple a lot cheaper.  We also got Dawson a book bag in the style of all the English boys.

We picked the kids up and they all had really good days with good stories to tell.  It was hard to keep them from talking over one another as we drove home.  Video below of Chloe and Dawson walking out of school.

When the kids got home, they were quick to head to the trampoline to let off a little steam!


We finished the night off with a dinner out where Dawson competed in his own "Man vs. Food" challenge and won....for now...we will see how the night goes : )


  1. haha great pictures! I'm really glad school went much better this time for the first day. BTW the kids are looking sharp in their uniforms.

  2. The Pictures are awesome. Sadie's uniform is definitely her color. It brings all the rosy cheeks out. Chloe is just so beautiful. I certainly hope Prince Harry doesn't come visiting her school he will fall head over heels. Dawson looks so dignified. A great scholar.

    Love the videos of Dawson and Chloe getting out of school. Chloe looks like a business lady with her bag and all.

    Glad you two got to spend some time together. Nice to do that once in a while.

    I am glad that Dawson didn't eat all that and THEN get on the trampoline. I think he wouldn't have been laughing or tuning somersaults.....

    Jumping looked like fun.

    Love to all,

    Mom and Pop

  3. You guys did it! 1st day in a new country - check. Nice work everybody. I know its scary but you did great and keep on tackling all of the new firsts that life keeps throwing at you. I am very proud of you.

    You guys look great in your uniforms and Dave and Kel seemed to enjoy their day. Glad you guys are doing so well. So proud of you!

    Aunt Di

  4. Alright, my friends-
    Here is my suggestion for you as a help when you have your first book report due this year (don't pay attention to the first few seconds)...

    Please do not plagiarize from my example! Smile, you make the day more beautiful! :+>
