
Saturday, September 14, 2013


Spent a few days in London this week attending a conference and having some meetings.  I was also able to connect up with a friend and his wife. Chris Widmer was one of the first managers I had at Hallmark and has since retired, but found himself in London with his wife for a week's tour.  The timing ended up working out for us to have a nice dinner and conversation together catching up.  Chris is one of those people in my life that saw something in me when I probably didn't see it in myself and created opportunities for me to grow.  Much of my work success I credit to the guidance/leadership he provided to me over the years.  It was great catching up.  Should have grabbed a picture of Chris, Jan and I together, but didn't. Below are some from the good ole days and a couple from my trip.


1 comment:

  1. It is always nice to hook up with old friends, but when they are very special friends it makes it all the more special. I am sure it was nice to see and share some time with Chris and his wife.

    Who knew that when he took a liking to this young man a while ago that the two of you would meet up again in London England? It is always so nice to be with good friends and knowing that he had been a helping hand to you on your way.

    Great picture of the Ferris wheel in the background. Lookin Good.

    Love you,

    Mom and Pop
