
Monday, April 29, 2013

Go Chloe...It's Your Birthday

Well exactly 14 years ago today (in a few hours) - our Chloe - our first born - came into this world - ready to rock our world.  She was our first and I'm sure we were a bit over zealous...which added to the uneasiness...but our first 6 - 12 months were spent with a very cute child...but very loud and unsettled at times.  Kel and I both remember going for long drives trying to get her to sleep and after an hour of dreary-eyed driving we made it back home...ever so quietly to get her out of her carseat...and she would inevitably awake to the slightest noise - and the fun was over. 

We made it through the rough days and eventually started to see her blossom quickly and have enjoyed seeing that continue.  We love the unique way God made each of our kids different and Chloe has many qualities that are unique to her.  To name a few...Chloe has a sweet heart...worries about others...enjoys being a probably the hardest worker I know...looks a challenge straight in the face and takes it on...has about the most beautiful hair I have ever seen on an individual (jealous) very talented at dance, design, fashion doing hair, blingy any and everything out.  She is also humble enough to laugh at herself and knows what she isn't good at and can have fun with that...just ask her about her singing or art abilities! 

We couldn't be prouder of Chloe as the oldest in our family - facing many challenges for the first time for our kids and paving a path that is straight - clear - and easy for her siblings to follow.   The move to the UK has probably been the most impactful for Chloe out of all of the kids due to her age - her ability to understand the upside of such an experience - and the school/coursework has been challenging.  She has persevered through so much in this experience and we have seen her grow a lot from the experience already.  On this day, we take a moment to look back and look forward to what a great future Chloe has ahead of her in year 14 and beyond. We are thankful for God giving us Chloe to take care of and are excited to see what God has planned for her next umpteen years. 

Happy Birthday Chloe - we love you!


  1. What great memories and a nice write up you all. Chloe, Happiest of Birthdays from all of us. Uncle Julian.

  2. Happy Happy Birthday Chloe !!!!!

    Oh my, it doesn't seem possible that you will be 14 tomorrow. I remember grandpa and I driving down to KC when we got the call from your dad so fast and grandpa kept saying slow down, slow down(I was driving) but I didn't listen as hey it is not everyday you get to welcome your new granddaughter into the world.

    What a wonderful feeling to know that in 14 short years you have accomplished so much and as dad said has left quite a legacy and straight path for her brother and sister to follow. You have always been loving and thoughtful and of course the girliest of girls.

    Chloe we admired how when the others came along you were mom's right hand man(Girl) and have taken on so much responsibility with guiding them in the correct path...

    You have taken the reins for the new school changes and made it so the others will be able to follow in your footsteps and feel secure as they knew you had gone on before.

    Chloe you have grown into a marvelous young lady and we are so very lucky and awfully proud that God chose to put you in our lives as well as to call you our grand daughter..Better hair than us and all...LOL

    Chloe, enjoy you day and think how far you have come and this is just one step in this great journey you are taking...Enjoy it, live it to the fullest and take some time for you to just stop and smell the roses.. well maybe it might be sheep...LOL but enjoy every minute of it. Wish we could be there to enjoy it with you.

    We miss you as well as all the others.

    We love you dearly,

    Grandma and Grandpa Caldwell

    PS....Wish I was there to put some nails on you for your Birthday.LOL

  3. Happy Birthday Chloe !


  4. To the amazing girl who terrified Dean the first time he held you (his first baby :) ever) and then proceeded to amaze all of us with your courage and willingness to take on whatever challenge is put in front of you. I will never forget going to Rosemary's and getting the chance to pick you up every so often and see your happy smile and giggle whenever I came to the door. It made my year ;).

    14 will be an amazing year for you as you discover new courage within yourself (as you already have) and take on adventures most of us can only hope to experience in our entire lifetime. You'll meet new people, travel to exotic places and confront challenges that may make you afraid but know that your brave heart and strong will to succeed will get you through. And, added to that, your heart is so sweet and good. No challenge is too big for you. All roadblocks set in your path will only serve to show you that you are strong. You are capable are beautiful (hair and all).

    So, happy birthday Chloe. We miss you and wish that we could be there and are so proud of you.

    We love you!
    Dean, Di, Ben and Aidan

    P.s. If you're curious, you no longer terrify Dean. Sadie has that honor.
