
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Birthday Weekend!

Chloe celebrated her birthday which is coming up on the 30th of this month with 4 friends that came over last night for a movie themed sleepover and party.  They watched movies, played games about movies and even created their own.  It was nice for Kel and I to see Chloe gravitate to such a good group of girls over here - well mannered- decent - goofy - just like her.  We couldn't be more proud.

Some pics/videos from the party.  Dawson serenaded her with a little "Happy Birthday" on the guitar.


  1. Wow, what awesome friends. Looks as if they all had a ball. Wonder what time they went to bed last night? It is good that Chloe has found some great friends. It so amazing how easy kids gravitate toward kids like themselves. I bet Grandma and Grandpa Strom really enjoyed being with the kids and their parties.

    Dawson great guitar playing. What a treat for the girls to hear you.

    Sadie looks like you got to join in with the spoon licking.

    Love you all,

    Grandpa & Grandma

  2. Happy birthday a little early, girl! You seemed like you had a blast and I LOVED your movie that your dad sent this morning. Too cool.

    You are doing so well - be proud of yourself. Not every girl could travel across an ocean and make friends like you have. Congrats!

    Nice guitar playing Dawson!

    Love you,
    Aunt Di

  3. Happy Birthday Chloe!! Miss you guys.

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Chloe, what beautiful dimples you have
