
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Just back from Edinburgh

On Friday afternoon we drove about 4 hours north from our home here in England to Scotland to the town of Edinburgh. 

We loaded up the car with 7 passenger and borrowed a friends roof box so we could actually take some luggage.  It worked very well!

It was a very nice drive- curvey at times - alongside the North Sea for a portion of it.  As the weather is over here, we had sun, clouds, rain, downpours, sleet, then sun again....then repeat. 

We were hoping to get our passports stamped - but at the border there was just a sign.

Made it into Edinburgh in time for a nice dinner and a nice night at a hotel that was formerly a castle.
We enjoyed a night in the pool at the hotel and got ready for a full day the next day.

We took the city bus from our hotel to downtown Edinburgh (near Princess street and at the bottom of the hill of the castle).  If you haven't been, the castle is literally in the center of town - on a large rock.  It is amazing. 


We spent a bulk of the day walking around the castle - looking at the Crown Jewels that are there and taking in the sights.  We were hot / cold / wet / hot / cold / wet...par for the course in good ole Scotland!

On the grounds of our hotel was an old church that we took a little tour of as we were leaving in the morning.   There were some members there that let us take a look inside.  It was a beautiful little chapel!

After touring the castle we made our way down the street and took in some of the street performers and shops.  No I wasn't one of them.

Today we made our way back home - taking our time to spend a little bit of time on the sandy but cold beach along the North Sea.  Home safe and sound now - ready for another week of school and work.  In typical fashion we asked the kids where their favorite vacation spot is and tonight they say Edinburgh.  It typically always is the last place they have been.



  1. You guys! These pictures are beautiful. I loved the ones in the city but the ones with the kids and the castle in the background is beautiful. Also loved pictures with Grandma and Grandpa - imagine the great memories you are building now! So glad you guys had a good time. We miss you and are so happy you are enjoying your adventure the way you are. Love you!

  2. What awesome pictures. It is so nice that you could drive and see some of the most beautiful places. All the places are unbelievable and to think you are that close. Think of the memories they are storing to be brought out and gone over and over again. Grandma and Grandpa look great. The kids sure look good with them..


    Mom and Pop
