
Friday, April 19, 2013

Sadie's Birthday Party

So it was a bit overdue as Sadie's birthday was on 3/20...but with the busy social calendars of 6 year olds these days, this was the first time Sadie's "crew" were free for a Birthday party.  We enjoyed a trip to "Pots to Go" in downtown Harrogate for some painting, pizza, and fun!  She is pooped and ready for bed tonight!


  1. Looks like she had a lot of fun and the others did too. I loved how they sang Happy Birthday with their English accent. What a cute bunch of kids.

    Looks like the other big kids got in on the action also.

    Cupcake looked really really yummy..

    I believe I recognize one of the onlookers.

    I bet they were all so tired at the end of the day as probably were all of you.

    We love you all, Hi to Pete and Bev


    Mom and Pop

  2. How beautiful! I'll bet Dawson loved being in a room full of little girls :).

    Love you!

    Aunt Di

    Ps. Happy birthday a little late!

  3. Oh, what fun! I absolutely love the birthday song with an accent!
