
Monday, April 20, 2015


When Sadie and I go to the Bakery on Saturday we call it a Bakery Date  or BATE for short. 

I took some much needed time off today and had a MATE (Monday Date) with my best mate of nearly 23 years.  We ventured out to Fountains Abbey - a beautiful area and gardens we hadn't visited before.  We took a leisurely drive back into Knaresborough the town where we live and Kel had a nice wrap from our favorite sandwich shop and I enjoyed some fresh fish and chips - eaten outside  - the best way to eat them!

We sat on the hill overlooking the lovely River Nidd in Knaresborough and then made our way down to the river for a stroll on what turned out to be a beautiful day. MATEs are better than work anyday!

 Picked up kids and had to treat them to an ice cream since it was parked right beside our car.



  1. What a wonderful way to spend the day. I am so glad that you all got to just go out and enjoy the day.Tthe grounds were spectacular. It looked so peaceful there. I loved all the ducks and baby ducks.

    I absolutely love your town of Knaresborough It is so neat and clean and so quaint. You can just stroll down the street and enjoy your life. I always think the colors look so bright too. I enjoyed the tea there with Kelly at the Ye Ole Chemist shop

    I see someone besides the kids enjoyed ice cream from the look of the Sundae in Mr. Dave's hand.LOL Sadie looked like they didn't have the flavor that she wanted. I love the Caramel sundaes. What a great picture of Dave and Kids. They are all getting so much older time is passing too fast.

    Loved the blog today and you and Kel do that more often it makes a great time.

    Love and Kisses to all,

    Mom & Pop

  2. What a beautiful set of pictures! The views were lovely. Nice to have someone by your side to see it with.

    Love you guys
