
Sunday, April 5, 2015


Somewhat appropriate combination of two themes, but this year they were a bit unrelated.

We had an unusual Easter this year as I have had the Go-Live event - switching the UK business over to a new system that has occurred all weekend.  Typically Friday and Monday are holidays for Easter weekend, but myself along with many on my staff have been in working all weekend getting a new system installed that has been about 2.5 years in the making.  All quiet on the UK front at the moment which is good - but we expect this to be a "fun" week as we get the business fully operational again.

We did have the family come stay at a hotel closer to where I work so I could see them a bit and have a closer place to lay my head when I could this weekend. The family enjoyed the swimming pool, breakfast in the hotel, and even a little golf yesterday on the driving range.  Easter Sunday turned out to be a beautiful day weather-wise here.  We are looking forward to Easter returning to a more normal experience next year.

 Coffee for the troops - ever try to transport 24 cups of coffee by yourself...not an easy task!


 We have a great intern program starting in Elementary school here : )

 View from my office window about 5:45 AM this morning.




  1. That is no easy feat! Congratulations. Big victory on the go live.

    Kids looked like they were having fun as well.

    Great weekend for all!
    Love you

  2. Wow, we are so glad that all went pretty smooth. Kudos to all involved. The kids got to see and be with you at Hallmark and also on their own.

    Well done to all involved.

    Love to all,

    Mom& Pop
