
Saturday, April 25, 2015


A couple of weeks ago we had some friends Jennifer and Shawn visit us rom Dallas.  Kelly and Jennifer were friends since high school and we all met in college when we were all dating.  We ended up being in each other's wedding and both living in Kansas City after we got married- beginning our married lives together.   It was great to spend a few days with them here in England - we hadn't seen each other in a number of years but it is so great to see how good friends allow you to pick right back up where you left off.

 23 years earlier


  1. It is so nice to keep up with friends from years ago. That is what makes them friends just starting where you last left off. Glad they got to visit and enjoy some time with them.

    I see they were brave souls to walk the rocks at Bolton Abbey. The water looked some bit lower than when we did this. What fun. I loved the abbey.

    What a pretty day to be out and about. You know you all still look the same maybe a little older and wiser.


    Mom & Pop

  2. Love that! What an amazing time to spend together in England, of all places. Bet no one would have called that 23 years ago!
