
Monday, March 23, 2015


Here in the UK we celebrate Mother's Day in March...March 15...this was the day I returned from KC and was lucky enough to stay awake for most of it.  My first year here I returned from Australia on Mother's Day and slept through most of it - took a while to live that one down.

We took mom to the Royal Baths Chinese Restaurant - a place she has been wanting to got for awhile.  This is located in the same building as the Turkish Baths - part of what made our city of Harrogate famous in the past based on the "healing waters"

While a Mum's job can be largely was good to take the day to celebrate her and all she does for our family.  She is so deserving....we will celebrate it again in May during the US Mother's Day celebration.



  1. I like the double celebrations Kelly. Make sure they take you out again. I agree she is a very deserving mom, she does so much and has fell right in with all the change of everything.

    She is sure a great gal and mom.


    Mom & Pop

  2. Hey, we need a double celebration here!!! How was the food?

    Enjoy it. You deserve it as you are a great mom!
