
Monday, March 23, 2015


I was walking upstairs yesterday and was struck by what had attached itself to the kids doors.  Tells a bit of the story of what is important to them at this age. Thought they might like to look back at these in the future.

CHLOE - theatre tickets, train tickets, postcards from friends
 Sadie cards and personal art
Dawson school art and BIG D



  1. Oh yeah that will be fun to see. I didn't see a sign that said "Boys keep out or Girls keep out" so I guess they are still siblings for the moment. Huh.

    The different doors show how much their likes and dislikes all change with age.

    Love it.

    Mom & Pop

  2. You let your kids tape on your doors? Wow, so lax.

    I think it is a neat idea and let's them express themselves. Great idea!
