
Monday, March 2, 2015


We have a big important project going in at work over the next month and last week we hit a point where we had to burn the midnight oil to keep things on track.  We got things back on track, but we completed about 2:30 AM and I didn't have the energy to drive 1 hour home nor enough to drive to a local hotel, so I decided to bunk up in my office for a few hours sleep before the day began again.  Reminded me of college days...although I don't quite have the vigor for all-nighters like I used to!

 Couch cushions made a decent bed.


  1. Tough times but cool that you stayed with the team. These kinds of projects are career defining. Your team will do amazing!

    Glad you got some rest this weekend.

    Love you

  2. I know your team appreciate you for staying in the trenches with them. You would have just about got home and in bed and had to get up and drive back down there. I know you were tired but your staff I bet appreciated the extra effort you put in. When you are tired you can lay your head any where and fall asleep.


    Mom & Pop
