
Monday, March 23, 2015


Kel took off for Hebdon Bridge about an hour from our home this past week for her Thursday hike . Weather was clear and the scenery looked amazing.

 They stumbled upon a person who was selling wool socks on the honor system along their hike.

 Round church columns are older as they hadn't learned about the fact that squared off columns were stronger until later in this church's development.
 Same church - expansion area - used squared off columns.



  1. Oh my that is such a great hike. I loved all the architecture and the sweet little lambs. The water looked really pretty but kinda cold I bet still. Kelly do you walk with a group? I read a blog where the lady walks about 8 miles each Thursday with a group. The take lunch and all. Looks like a really fun time.

    Glad you are getting out and seeing the country.

    Love you all,

    Mom & Pop

  2. Very beautiful! Great job at keeping up the hiking. Wish I could see it with you and then maybe hit a coffee place, bakery, tea time....

    You get my drift!

    Love you
