
Monday, March 23, 2015


Kel has joined a group of ladies that go for a hike every Thursday in a new location around our area.  When I say hike...I mean hike...they often get quite muddy and trek uphill - downhill - through mud etc.  Typically the hike is on rain or shine as no one waits for a good day in England to get out or few would see the light of day.  Recently she took a hike near a place called HAREWOOD HOUSE - a house built in 1771 and belonging to royalty of the queen.

Some stock photos of harewood.

Deer roam the property of Harewood House 


 White Bells - spring flowers here in England



Kelly's Arkansas Friend Kelly


  1. Oh I suppose I should have read the oldest entry first before I make my comments. Obviously I wouldn't have to ask if you were from a group. LOL Oh what a wonderful place to walk and tour. The grounds are beautiful. I love how old everything is there. Is it amazing. I hope Kel enjoys the walks. Lots of fresh air and the exercise will make her feel so alive.


    Mom & Pop

  2. Amazing views. That first picture is what I picture England to be. Glad you are doing these.
