
Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 Here We Come

A new year is in front of us ....I wonder what all it will hold...likely challenge, change, triumph, happiness, sadiness. We will do our best to embrace it all.

We enjoyed a nice quiet time at home last night with some friends and their kids.  Topped the night off with some fireworks!   Ka Bam




  1. Beautiful! What a great way to usher in the new year. We had movies, appetizers and candies and had a blast. First year everyone made it to midnight!

    Hope your new year is as exciting as 2014! Can't wait to hear about your adventures.

    Aunt di

  2. The fireworks were beautiful. Chloe I love the heart one you made. Really creative. The others all looked like they were having fun. Nice quiet place to have fireworks at also. Did you all see anyone else doing the fireworks?

    I bet you all would like to see how grandpa and I ushered in the New Year. This is how ours went ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ snort ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ snort ZZZZZZZ LOL LOL

    We did hear fireworks behind us though.

    Love to all and a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015.

    Mom & Pop

    PS I did eat meringue though on New Years eve just to remember England by though.......

  3. I stand corrected that was Dawson with the heart....My mistake..They all were good.

