
Sunday, January 11, 2015


On Thursday I attended a Hallmark meeting in Belfast Northern Ireland.  The family went to Ireland (Southern part...that is not a part of the UK) in October 2013.  We had never made it to Northern Ireland.  It was a short 40 minute flight from Leeds Bradford Airport to Belfast.  (Quicker than my drive from home to work on a typical day)

The meeting was held at the Titanic Museum in Belfast.    I wasn't clear on the history of the Titanic there, but it was actually built there in the harbour.  The museum is housed in the same location where it was built.  You can see in the photo below the outline of where the Titanic was when it was built.
 This picture from the internet shows the outline which is lit at night.  The Titanic was built on the left and the Brittanic was built on the right.

 Here is a picture of the two boats being built.  It was surprising how narrow the boats were compared to their lengths.

When the ship was done, they greased up the bottom and launched it into the water and it was said to take about 60 seconds.  Below is a You Tube link to a re-enactment of the launch.



  1. Wow! That is beautiful. Amazing how they build ships and launched them before a lot of the technology we have today. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Oh my gosh that is beautiful. I had no idea that N. Ireland had anything to do with the Titanic What an amazing place. Just the thought of the seeing where the Titanic was actually built and launched. Love to see things through your eyes. You are so good at this it makes you feel as if you are right there. Thanks for keeping us a part of you travels.


    Mom & Pop
