
Saturday, December 27, 2014


All good things come to an end...and our winter holiday had to as well.  We did a bit of shopping before heading to the airport and returning back to England.  What a shock to the body when we landed in a snowstorm.  Despite the weather, it always is nice to be home and sleeping in your own bed.

 Tenerife has a number of banana plantations that we could see from our house.  We enjoyed some local bananas as they were quite fresh!
 Nice topographic view of the island.  We stayed in the lower left hand side of the picture.




  1. Another stamp in the passport. Snow and sun in the same day? Of course. Looks like you guys had a great time. Glad you had a good holiday.

    Aunt di

  2. Brrrrr what a way to come home. After all the fun and sun you all had and then back to cold and snow.

    Glad you had a great time and all enjoyed it. After so much sickness it is nice to just take it easy and enjoy life.

    Love to all,

    Mom & Pop

    No matter where you wander there is no place like home....
