
Thursday, February 20, 2014


The kids are all on half-term break this week enjoying some time at home for a bit of rest.  They spent the day yesterday at the local military base with the family of one of Dawson's friend who work out there - where they enjoyed some bowling and lunch. 

The school year is different here than in the US.

1 year is made up of 3 terms.

Term 1 (Start September - run through mid- December) 
Term 2 (Start January run through end of March)
Term 3 (Start mid April run through 1st part of July)

Each term is about 12 weeks and every 6 weeks in a term they get a week break.   They typically get a 3-4 week break between terms. We are warming to the system and find the breaks seem to come around at the right time.


1 comment:

  1. Yeah, we like the half term rests.....That is nice that they seem to come in at the right times.

    Lots of sleep in for some people. Sorry Dave.....


    Mom & Pop
