
Saturday, February 8, 2014


Dawson has been working hard during SPORTS (what we would call PE in the US) to show that he can do well at the game of field hockey.  He came close last week to being asked to play on the school team, and this week it happened for him and he was asked to play in his first match.  We happily drove about an hour north and sat outside in the 30mph wind, rain, and cold - to see him do very well in his first match. 

Field hockey is a lot like ice hockey, except the stick has a flat side and a curved side. The players can only hit with the flat side, so they have to reverse position to hit it from the other side or turn it over and us the narrow point.  It is quite the work out!

Enjoy some pics and video.

 This is the school that Dawson played at today.
 We past the ruins of an old Abbey on the way to the match.
This is called BOWES MUSEUM and was located right next to the school Dawson played at.   We looked it up and read that this French style building was built in 1892 to be used as an Art Gallery for a guy named John Bowes and his wife.  Must be nice.

More info at the link below



  1. Way to go, Dawson! We are so proud of your efforts. Next stop the Olympics! Keep working hard. Congrats to the rest of the family for braving the weather.

    Love to all,
    Grandma Strom

  2. Dawson, how awesome is that? You did so well. We are so proud of you and making the first team. That is such a great accomplishment. You can sure tell that you are putting all your efforts into it by the looks on your face during the game.

    Great job.......


    Grandma & Grandpa Caldwell

  3. Mean mean faces but awesome! Wow, what a trooper. You're a FIERCE competitor. Very proud of you buddy!

    Aunt Di
