
Saturday, February 8, 2014


In the UK, you don't find a lot of fast food places along the road to grab a bite.  You typically find yourself on the road finding what is called a FARM SHOP.  It is typically a retail shop selling gifts, fresh produce, cheese, fudge, sometimes there is s butcher, and typically there is a restaurant in the Farm Shop.  The closest thing to it in the US would be an Amish or Mennonite Grocery along the road somewhere. 

We stopped in at one today on the way back from Dawson's game.  They typically have a play area outside as well and Chloe and Sadie couldn't resist the zip line despite the cold.



  1. That sure looks like fun.


    Grandma & Grandpa

  2. In the states, they call them Quik Trips! Love the zip line. What is it with that country and zip lines? They are everywhere!

    Love you,
    Aunt Di
