
Friday, March 1, 2013

Third care package from Aunt Betty and Uncle Vern

Thanks for the goodies!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Darn the rest of us have to get ourselves in gear and send things we have sitting on our counter that were destined to you a few weeks ago. Nice job, Betty! Way to show us up!

    You guys look great. We love you!
    Aunt Di

  2. Hey,
    What do you all like from home. I would love to send a package but, don't know what you all like. If you will send me a list of wants I will get one together and send. I love to shop. LOL Wish I could send some Uncrustables, but don't think they would make it before they ruined. LOL

    Let me know!!!

    Love you guys,
    Aunt Debbie and Uncle Lowell
