
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Jeep Time

Sadie has finished her unit on Tanzania at school where they learned all about animals of Africa and much much more.  One of her activities was learning about jungle jeeps. They studied them and then built a jungle jeep on their own in their design technology class.  She learned about wheels and axles and her work culminated in this creation!


  1. Beautiful! I wish it could drive across the ocean :)

  2. Wow,
    How awesome is that? I doubt many kindergarteners even know anything about Tanzania, what a subject. I love the jeep. Looks just like one.

    I am with Aunt Di wish I could drive across the ocean also.

    Love you and Miss you,

    Love Grandpa and Grandma Caldwell

  3. Way to go! Looks great! I'm impressed they learn about axles at her age.
