
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Go's your birthday

We can hardly believe it, but our little girl is turning 6 today.  It is fun watching her mature and learn new things with each day that passes.  God certainly gave us unique kids and Sadie is no exception.  These days we find her incredibly funny, sharp as a tack, a little mischievous and a ton of fun.  She is probably more advanced at her age than any of the other kids were and picks up things very quickly...when she decides she wants to.  

Just last night I asked at the table who remembered the Bible verse we memorized as a family before this trip and she belted out Philippians 4:6 without missing a beat before any of the other kids could do.  We thank God for her and entrusting us with her.







  1. Happy Birthday, Sadie!! Party like it's your birthday!! Great job on your verses too!

  2. Happy Birthday, Sadie Clara!



  3. Happy Birthday Sadie!!! Miss you girls!!!

  4. Happy Birthday little one! Have a blessed day.

  5. Hi Sadie,

    Happy Happy birthday. Can't believe that you are 6 today. What a great 6 years. I remember when you took your first breath and how overjoyed we were.

    You truly are a very special girl and I know mom and dad are wrong when they say there is a little mischievousness in you. We think you are perfect.

    Enjoy your day and eat lots of cake....even before dinner...(We won't tell mom and Dad) LOL (Hello, it is your birthday)...Hope you get lots and lots of good stuff.....

    Love you and miss you...

    Grandpa and Grandma Caldwell

  6. Happy Birthday Sadie from your church family! It was GREAT to talk with Dave on Monday, hearing your voice made our day! & made us more homesick for The Caldwell's, Aug cannot come fast enough for Jack & I--love to all & spoil Sadie a lot on her special day
