
Saturday, March 16, 2013

The school work continues

Chloe continues to do well with the increased course load and work.  A little Shakespeare anyone?



  1. So good to see the 2 of you and that cracked me up. Next time I want to see some dramatic flair!

    Love you guys,
    Aunt Di

  2. My my my......That was awesome. You two are so cute together. I can't imagine the work load that Chloe is doing. She is such a great, wonderful, awesome example for the other two coming along.

    WAY TO GO CHLOE............

    Love you and so enjoy the video's. Make you feel you are right there.


    Grma and Grpa

  3. Very impressive! The Caldwell kids are geniuses! I feel like I need to go back to school just to keep up with you guys. Keep up the great work!
