
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Hip Hop Birthday Party continues...the person in the family with the fullest social calendar is Sadie.  She was invited last weekend to a birthday party of a boy in here class where they spent 2 hours learning a street dance and then performed it for the parents.

Thought you'd enjoy!


  1. Wow.....

    Not just birthday cake and ice cream for these kids. That was really cute. Some of them looked a little shy but not Our Sadie. If they had just put on her favorite number Miss Jazz Hands would have shown them how it was really done... LOL

    Super cute and it was good to see all her classmates.


    Mom and Pop

  2. Seriously, what is up with the 1-upsmanship? Whatever happened to the highlight of the party being neopolitan ice cream?

    Yay for her. At least she is making friends...and learning new life skills: Boa snake holding, hip hop street dancing, etc.

    Love you,
    Aunt Di
