
Sunday, October 11, 2015


When you live in the desert you have to take caution as there other a number of wild animals in the area.  Kel saw a bobcat when she was leaving our neighborhood the other day and we have found our share of scorpions in the pool.  So Dawson has the job of doing a quick scorpion check before we get in the pool - luckily they aren't moving as the water is too cold for them, but we feel better when they aren't in the pool with us. 


1 comment:

  1. Yuck....I am glad we got to see one before we left. I wouldn't want to step on one in the pool. You go down to see how long you can put your head under and you step on that scorpion and I bet you would learn how to come up fast. HA

    Glad they are just scorpions not rattlesnakes......YUCK YUCK
    Mom & Pop
