
Sunday, October 11, 2015


Well it has been awhile since we have caught up on our blog, so we will make an attempt to get you caught up on ongoing adventures.

We thought we needed to adjust the name a bit as we are now no longer across the pond and back in the good ole USA.  So we have altered it slightly from Our Royal Our Royally Hot Adventure. 

For some that might not know all that has transpired over the last few months let me fill you in.

We were set to return to Kansas City on September 1 and continue my role at Hallmark.  On July 31,  we received an opportunity to take on a role with Petsmart in Phoenix, AZ that we decided we couldn't pass up.  Timing wasn't perfect, but we felt like it was the right move for us so we took the leap.  We had two weeks left in the UK when we made the decision to not return to KC.  We spent those two weeks, saying goodbye to those at Hallmark, getting our goods packed for the US, selling 2 vehicles and a number of other things we had picked up in the UK that wouldn't work in the US and got our rental home ready in the UK (The standard is high as we heard about people being charged ove $20,000 if their home wasn't left in perfect condition).

We returned to the US on August 18 and on the 20th, Kel and I took off for Arizona to try and find the right area to live, school district and find a temporary home and hopefully a permanent home.  We worked hard and were able to get all of this accomplished by the 27th.

Back to KC and we had about 8 days to get our house ready to put on the market.  Thanks to the help of family, we got a lot accomplished in 8 days.  We had the entire exterior painted, all of the goods packed up and sent off to Arizona, held a garage sale for two days, replaced all the carpet in the house, painted about 10 interior rooms, made a number of repairs to ensure the house was ready for the market and got it on the market. 

We headed off to Arizona on September 4th so we could get the kids in school on Tuesday September 8th.  If we didn't get them in school by then they would have lost credit for the semester.  So we got them in school, bought new vehicles, moved into our temporary home, started work and settled in a bit. 

We hope to close on the house we purchased in Anthem, AZ on October 23rd or before.  Then we will be able to receive our goods from both the UK and KC and hopefully start to feel settled.

So that it is in a nutshell.  We feel like we have been through a bid of a tornado, but feel we have landed safely and sounded.

Stay tuned as we give you glimpse into our lives here in the Arizona.
 Goods packed up in the UK
 Leaving the UK  - 18 bags in total
 Arriving in KC
 Leaving our home in the UK - last day at The Croft
 Pulling out of The Croft
 Leaving The Croft
 Arriving at our temporary home in Arizona
 More bags in AZ
 More bags
First stop in AZ - In and Out Burger

1 comment:

  1. Great shots of UK and KC. I am so glad I didn't have to keep up with all your luggage. In and out hamburgers are so good. I could see myself going there lots and lots.

    Mom & Pop
