
Saturday, May 2, 2015


It seems like yesterday our first baby was just starting her life and now we see her hit the big 16!

 Where did the time go?


We celebrated Chloe's birthday on the 30th with some gifts and treats at home along with her favorite meal her mom makes.  We then celebrated with her friends tonight at a local restaurant officially making her the big 16!

Dinner tonight



  1. Oh my gosh, she was such a cute baby and now look how beautiful she is. She is growing up too fast and looks so mature too. I loved the pictures down memory lane and the singing at her party and home.

    Time passes so fast it seems just like it was yesterday. Her complexion is so beautiful. Do I see she is taller than her Dad and Mom?

    I love all the pics with the three of them.

    Congrats Chloe on such great friends.

    Love you,

    Grandma & Grandpa Caldwell

  2. What a great set of pictures! That first one reminds me of the first time uncle dean held you which was when you were only a few months old and he held you away from him staring at you like he was terrified of you! Of course after that you took advantage and would chase after him anytime it was bath time which terrified him more.

    You have always been beautiful but now you are turning into a beautiful woman. We love having you in our life. You are one of the most bravest young women we know, always willing to try the thing Ben and Aidan are doing. We love you and are very proud of you!

    Aunt di, uncle dean, Ben and Aidan

  3. We can't believe 16 years. Congratulations Chloe for your birthday. Can't wait to see you guys soon. I hope you have a great 16th year and look forward to see where this world will take you.

    All our love,

    Uncle Julian, Aunt Laurie and the boys.
