
Monday, February 2, 2015


If you don't know already...most of the world calls football the sport we call soccer in the US.  So, we have slowly had to adjust our language to indicate American Football when talking about the sport that we like to follow most.  Sometime we do still call if soccer and get a weird look or two.

This UK required conversion wasn't necessary this weekend when Dawson and I participated in the 4th annual Harrogate Bowl.  A group of guys from the local Air Force Base where a number of Americans are stationed, get together Super Bowl Sunday each year to play some football on "The Stray" in Harrogate. The Stray is a park land in the middle of town that is used frequently on warmer days for folks to play, picnic etc.  It was around 35 degrees on Saturday but the sun was out, which is better than what I have heard about it in the past.

Dawson and I showed up on the invite of a friend of ours expecting a nice father son game for an hour or so.  We were ill informed that we would be the only ones there with kids and the rest were 20 to 30 something men looking to play some real football (it was flag...but at times felt a bit like tackle).   So we joined in on the fun and made our way through about 3 hours of running, slipping, sliding through mud and having a good time. Dawson caught a number of receptions and even a touchdown pass that was later called back due to the QB being down. I was proud of how we he played as it is always intimidating playing with a bunch of grown men.

For me, I was happy I suffered no major injuries and still have a bit of my dignity along with some very sore muscles today.

Some pics below of us after the match and some various pictures from the web of "The Stray" in Harrogate.

 That is mud on my face and I didn't just rub it there to look tough: )



  1. Wow you guys are really testing your toughness. I can only imagine how hard that game was for Dawson taking on men but sounds like he rocked it. He is SO impressive in sports!

    Good job guys!

  2. Well I see that mom has to clean more mud off you guys...LOL I would have had to use a lot of Ben Gay just to get out of bed the next day and probably the day after. LOL
    Sounds like a great day and lot of learning to be had.


    Mom & Pop
