
Saturday, February 7, 2015


Dawson had his first field hockey game of the season and Ashville delivered a clear victory with a score of 10 - 3.  He made the A team this year, which is the equivalent of Varsity for his age so we are really proud of him


  1. Wow, congrats Dawson for the A team but we already knew that.......I bet mom likes this field better with no mud. It looked like a real sunny day probably cold but maybe no rain. He looks great out there on the field. It amazes me how much they grow every picture. the little pink dressed girl at the end is sure cute. Say Hi to Chloe for us.
    Grma & Grpa Caldwell

  2. Nice work Dawson! So very glad you are trying out all of these different sports. You seem to do just as well at one as the next. Congrats!

    Haven't had a Chloe update in a while. What is going on with ms. Glamorous???

    Love aunt di
