
Monday, November 18, 2013


A big congrats to Kelly for passing her final UK Driving Test today.    She was very nervous, but did a great job!

As for me...I've been in mourning since I flunked my test last Wednesday.  I was happy to see her pass hers...I like to think it was due to my excellent teaching over the weekend, but maybe that is just me compensating for flunking.

To be fair, the UK driving test is said to be the hardest in the world with a first time pass rate of about 50%.  I actually took professional lessons before my test and was instructed by my instructor that I was to drive like an old lady and pretend I had a cup of water on my dash and not to spill it. 

So...I proceeded to drive very cautiously and was only marked 3 errors out of the maximum 12.  Two for driving to slow on the highway and the third for driving too slow through a roundabout...where only my luck would have it...another car honked at me.  That was determined a "Grave Fault" and it caused me to fail.  Now I have to wait 10 days to take it again...but unfortunately you have to schedule the test online and the test date I got was December 16th, that got canceled by the system and I was moved to the 30th of December, and now I'm back to the 17th.

So let's celebrate Kel tackling the last big obstacle in front of her to be an official Englander...yeah Kelly.


  1. Way to go, kel. Congrats. I knew you could do it. Now you can drive Dave to work.
    Luv u,

  2. Way to go Kel......... I am so glad that that is over for you. I can't believe that Dave didn't pass for going toooooooooo slow....LOL That is not the Dave I taught to drive.....LOL Go for it Dave.....If at once you don't succeed....well you know the rest. You will do it. You have to be nervous all the time you are with the scorer that would make me make silly mistakes.

    Was that Kelly behind you honking at you? LOL

    Love to all,

    Good luck next time.

    Mom and Pop

  3. Woot Woot!! You go girl! Way to show the old man driver up. haha I hope you guys are doing well. By the way, the title of this post could have been worded better. Sounds like someone died :P

  4. Tell Kelly congrats, we all know women drives are better than male drives. :-) Reading your blog helps me to appreciate the US so much more.

  5. How awesome! Very proud of you lady. I know you'll get there, Dave - sounds like you got some bad luck. You'll kill it next time. For now, celebrate a big milestone. Congrats!

    Aunt Di
