
Sunday, November 3, 2013


We got up the next morning and drove to the Cliffs of Moher - a beautiful site along the western seashore.

 We had a beautiful drive on the way to our next city..even had a cow parade on the side of the road.

We then headed north towards the town of Westport where the Croagh Patrick mountain is located.  My sister climbed it with her roommate from West Point when they graduated and she wanted to relive the moment.  We made it about 3:00 and it typically takes about 2 hours up and 1.5 hours back.  We let the Thimjons go on ahead and they ended up making it to the summit and back in record time.  We made it partly up with the whole family...and then I took Dawson and Chloe up about half of the way.  It was a good - challenging climb - the views were magnificent.   The summit is about 2500 feet from the base.  You can read more about Croagh Patrick at the link below.

 Rainbows a plenty throughout our trip.

This was a view from our hotel...

 Chloe at the top of our climb

The trip down...faster...but a bit more dangerous

Dawson at top of our climb

We made our way to a nice hotel for the night and got the kids to bed and Kel and I decided to head downstairs to sit by the fire for a little quiet time.  We then noticed in the ballroom some dancing, so we watched through the windows as they were taking Irish Dancing lessons and were soon ushered in.  We enjoyed spending an hour or so learning some Irish Dancing with some of the locals.  The people were all quite welcoming. we come!

We made it back home safe and sound last night and have enjoyed our last day with the Thimjons before they leave tomorrow morning.


1 comment:

  1. We are so proud of you all climbing as far as you did. That is great. The country is beautiful just like they say.

    I loved the cow parade. Made me a little homesick though.LOL

    Great pics and glad you all got your Irish jig on.....LOL


    Mom and Pop
