
Sunday, November 3, 2013


The next day we headed off from Dublin driving about 2 hours south to the city of Waterford...where the famous Waterford Crystal is made.  We enjoyed a tour of the factory to watch the artisans and left with a little something to remember our time there.

We rented a large 9 passenger van that ended up working well for all of us - albeit a bit cozy.   3 up front - 3 in middle - 3 in back!


We left Waterford and drove another 2 hours to Cork to visit the famous Blarney Castle.  You climb to the top and kiss the blarney stone to receive the "Gift of Gab".  It seemed to work on the boys as they couldn't stop talking the rest of the trip : )

This was we had HotelWeen.  We had the kids make their own creative costumes out of what they had brought  and they trick or treated from room to room.  It was a lot of fun.

 Dawson was Dave with a suntan

 Kel was doing her best impersonation of DiAnna...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Waterford Crystal I bet it was so amazing. I see how the women were smiling by the sign. They were right where they belonged. LOL

    I bet it was something to just watch them work. They have done this for years and years and have it down to an art.

    The boys DID NOT need the gift of gab for kissin the Blarney stone.......But I imagine it was a unique experience. I wonder how many have kissed the stone in the past year.

    The trick or treating was really cute. I couldn't tell the difference in you and Di Kelly.LOL

    Looked just like her.

    Glad you got to see the Blarney stone and give it a smooch.


    Mom and Pop
