
Tuesday, November 26, 2013


We had a good friend suggest we watch carefully the post the last post I made when Kel passed her driving test simply read...SHE PASSED.  This follower was concerned that someone might have actually moved on to the great beyond...vs. simply pass a test.  I digress.

I completed my second try at the driving portion of the test and passed with only a couple of mistakes.  Phew... we are both relieved and feel like we are official Brits now.

The test was proper hard I have to say.  Rules that we were never taught in the US were carefully observed and marked.  For instance.

- While driving an automatic vehicle, anytime your vehicle is stopped for more than 2 seconds you have to set the emergency brake.
- You have to check your mirrors roughly every 4 seconds.
- Hands on the 2 and 10:00 position on the steering must feed and pull the steering wheel - meaning - you never take your hands out of place when turning you simply shuffle the steering wheel through your fingers...instead of driving with one hand like I'm used to mimicking Jackie Gleason driving a school bus.
- One has to look in the mirror before signaling...if you signal before looking in your mirror you lose a can lose a maximum of 12 points to pass your test and you can't have more than 4 of the same mark or you fail as well.
- There are few speed limit signs in the UK - you have to know that if there are street lamps on the road it is 30 mph, double highways are 60, and divided highways are 70. signs to give you a prompt on this.  
- There are a number of places on the road marked Keep Clear where you aren't allowed to be stuck/stopped...not that hard except when you are following traffic and they suddenly come to a stop and you find yourself in one of these places...that would be an instant fail on the test.
And the list continues....

Oh well...we are happy to meet this hurdle and now be able to drive without worry.

It only ended up costing us about $700 for the both of us to take our tests...gotta love the finances in this fine country!

Sadie was nice enough to make me a congrats really wasn't necessary for her to put "for the second time" on it.



  1. Congratulations on passing the test......I won't say for the 2nd time....LOL She likes to tell it like it is. $700 is ridiculous to take 2 driving tests. I know you all are glad it is all done and over with and now how long does the license last? Do you have to do it every year?

    Glad it is done and Congrats again.


    Mom and Pop

    Great drawing Sadie.

  2. Hey, 2nd is better than an "also played" trophy. Nice work. Clearly, the rules for playing loud, obnoxious music that could easily distract you or other drivers within a mile around you was not on the test. Otherwise, we both know you would have failed (insert horribly old Bobby Brown music soundtrack here).

    Leave it to Sadie to put a little sour into the sweet. Crazy little lady.

    Love you guys,
    Aunt Di

  3. Congratulations on passing the test! Indeed, learning to drive can be overwhelming, since not only are you required to familiarize yourself with all the things in front of you, but also with all the road rules. Of course, it gets more complicated when you’re driving in another country, especially in Britain, where they drive on the “wrong” side of the road. I’m glad you were able to pull it through. That’s a really cute drawing by Sadie, by the way!

    Rookie Driver
