
Sunday, June 9, 2013

20 Big Ones

Well this past Wednesday- Kel and I celebrated our 20th Wedding Anniversary. Truth be told - there wasn't much celebrating as I had to leave in the afternoon for Amsterdam and returned on Friday, but we did have a chance to celebrate it properly a few weeks ago when we went to Spain.  Nevertheless, it is great to see what 20 years has brought our way - plenty of fun - worry - pain - joy - excitement - adventures - sorrow - mistakes - twist - turns - but mostly a lot of happiness.

We were naïve little kids when we first got married - thinking we had it figured out - but had so much to learn.  Thanks to God's grace  - time - and a partner that was supposed to be mine from the start - we have made a nice little life for ourselves.  I'm happy to see what our next 20 will bring.

 20 years later!  (I am really not choking her)

I was able to bring some fresh flowers from Amsterdam back
- never thought I would be doing that on our 20th!


  1. Awwwwwwwww that is so sweet....I think you all have done a fabulous job in 20 years...Not only have you all lived close to parents BUT you have provided us with 3 grandchildren....Yahoo..

    Lots of things have changed and yet stayed the same.....Your love for each other, your working toward a main goal, raising great kids, living places you never even imagined you'd see, and most of all your love and work for God....

    Hope you have 20+ more years together and there might even be grandchildren for you. That would be greats for us.....Wahoo

    Congratulations and many many more. Love the flowers.


    Mom and Pop

    PS...Kelly I am not so sure his hand was awful close to you neck....just saying

  2. Congratulations! That's an amazing accomplishment. You guys are a great example of an awesome marriage and great parents. By the way, Dave had hair? haha

  3. Congratulations! What a great group of pictures. Made me remember the wedding and so many great times since. A lot of my greatest memories at west point were coming home and visiting you guys in that little apartment you had by the airport. What a great testament to how faith can get you through so much.

    A year ago, we were planning our hawaii trip together to celebrate your 20th in Kauai. Imagine what a year brings! I'm glad it turned out this way so that you can have this amazing adventure together but just know, you still owe us that trip to Hawaii.

    We're going to cash it in when you get back and yes...we will be hiking Ne Pali coast (dehydration or no dehydration, Kelly).

    Love you guys!
