
Saturday, December 29, 2012

We got some rest

Got to our house with our 17 bags with no problem. House heat was off - under 32 degrees in the house burrrr-we could see our breath - figured out how to start the boiler but slow to warm up. Waited for car to get delivered to be able to get some food and blankets for the night - got delivered two hours later - the Caldwellsicles made their way to the car to find it was delivered

on empty and it was a stick shift. Egads. Dave hasn't driven a stick since high school and certainly not with his left hand on the right side of the car on the left hand of the road in the rain and the dark after not sleeping for over 24 hours. But....we had no choice so we made our way to buy some gas (petro) then some food and blankets for the night. Put our heads down at 8 pm England time and just woke up at noon. We were pooped. Looking forward to a better day- automatic car delivered last night and we will get school uniforms today and some more essentials. All is well as the adventure comtinues!

In the above picture kel and sadie are under the pile trying to stay warm.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. You guys are making it despite some setbacks. A stick shift? Really?? I rode with Dave when he drove with one on the right side of the road. Wow...look out England!

    Glad you guys are making it and that today is a better day than yesterday! Hang in there!

  2. I didn't know when I crocheted those blankets that they would be used in the situation they are being used or be used in England...I am glad that you had something to keep you a little warm. Love the sheep, when you can't sleep you will have something to count now. Be thankful they aren't roosters to wake you each morning.

    Keep up the spirits and we love you all.


    Mom and Pop

    A STICK SHIFT oh my goodness......I am glad at least they are switching it out for you......
