
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The adventure begins tomorrow

Well after a couple of months of preparation - we have done all we can do to prepare - tomorrow we take off. 

We leave around 2:00 on United out of KC - head to Newark and then on into Manchester England arriving around 7:30 AM their time (That would be 1:30 KC Time)

We will update more as the journey continues, wanted to let you all have the latest update!


  1. Love it! I am SO excited for you guys and can't wait to hear about the first few months. I know this will be a wonderful experience for you guys and I am really really happy (ok, jealous) for you. Keep me updated and see you in the fall when we visit! Love you guys!

  2. We are excited for you all, but miss you already!! We will keep you all in our prayers, and watch for updates!!

  3. Excited to hear of your adventure! Praying all goes smoothly. The Simmons.

  4. What a gorgeous place!!! Thoughts & prayers are with you on this exciting adventure. :) Tammy Richardson

  5. So happy for you as your adventure begins! The blog is such a great idea! Many thoughts & prayers on your journey!
