
Friday, July 11, 2014


For those of you who know the jam (Rap Song from a few years ago) - that might be the anthem for our little Miss Sadie.  She is typically able to do anything she wants - the first time she tries it - if she decides she wants to do it. If she doesn't want ain't gonna happen.

Bike riding has been that way for Sadie.  She is 7 and by all accounts should know how to ride a bike by now.   I will not have completed my "20 things to teach your kids before they leave your house" checklist if I don't teach her to ride a bike soon.   With the Tour De France coming through town last week I thought it might be time to draft behind that event to see if we could get her inspired to learn.

My ploy was to take her to the bike store for another errand and see if she might get enticed for a bike.  What kid wouldn't want a new shiny bike? Sadie has been that kid.

So, Monday night we went to check it out - her and I.  We walked around looking for something I was after and walked through the kids section a bit - browsing - pointing out some bikes.  She wasn't I had suspected...the spotlight from the heavens must have shined down on one particular bike that changed her attitude.   We pulled it out and she sat on it - her eyes lit up.  We put it back and you could see the conflict building in her head. 

We had just been talking about how much money she had in her bank account that night which created an opportunity.  I told her we would buy the bike for her with our money if she learns to ride it this summer. If she doesn't learn to ride, she will have to pay for it.  She happily agreed (we wouldn't actually take hers...but it is working as a good motivator).

Last night lesson 1 went well...we will see how she progresses!


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