
Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Sadie had a big day today where her house (Duckworth) performed in the house music competition. There are about 20 kids in here house and the house performed 2 group numbers, 1 read poetry, 1 played the piano, and Sadie sang a solo.

She did an amazing job and will post video once we get a copy...they have a new performing arts hall and pictures/videos are not allowed in the hall.

She was amazing...of course we were a bit bias and the judge at the end of the contest called her out specifically for her diction and great tone.



1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you all are having a grand time. I am excited to see that your adventure over the pond has expanded the borders of our parents as well. They will never be the same either after this trip.

    Love you guys and look forward to reconnecting soon.

