
Tuesday, July 14, 2015


We enjoyed visiting Austria where Kel's dad Pete grew up for a few years as a youth - we took the Sound of Music tour, visited a local salt mine, and many more adventures.

A few pics of the Austria journey.

 Swimming in the cold mountain river across the street from our house. The water was crystal clear!

 Pete remembered this castle - we drove by trying to see it night 1 and the gate was shut.  We drove back by the next night and it was open so I drove in so Pete could see it again - to then be confronted by the homeowner who had just pulled in and wondered why we were on his private property. We kindly retreated but did manage to snap a couple of amazing pics.

 Bridge from Sound of Music
 Sound of Music Mansion
 Sound of Music scene where Julie Andrews goes with her suitcase toward th Baron's house.

 Sound of Music gazebo

 Church where the wedding took place in Sound of Music

 Famous Do Re Mi Gardens from Sound of Music
 More Sound of Music reenactments.
 More Sound of Music reenactments
 Pete's old high school
 Close to Pete's home in Austria

 Salt Mines here we come

 Alpine Slide Time

We spent time in Berchtesgaden a place that is quite beautiful today but has a sorted past when the Nazi’s controlled it and Hitler spent a lot of time in the city and around the area.  You can read more about it at

You will see some old photos along with the ones we took from modern day – hard to believe the history was so dark based on how it looks today.


1 comment:

  1. You all did get the big tour. I bet the kids and I know Kelly really enjoyed it. I loved Sadie's dress and I think you need one of those shirts to wear back here.

    Did you all get some Strudel I bet it was amazing. I loved the pretzels. What magnificent buildings. Gorgeous.

    I am not so sure I could have ridden the yellow rides. I would have fell out I am sure. Brave women Bev.....She is braver than me.

    Love the pictures. The river water was so pretty but it even looked cold.

    MOm & Pop
