
Tuesday, July 14, 2015


We are just returning from our trip touring around Europe with Kel's folks.  We flew to Prague, Czech Republic where we spent a few days, then on to Salzburg Austria for a few more days of touring. From there we drove south through Slovenia (formerly Yugoslovia) and onto Venice Italy for a few nights.   After Venice we found our way through Milan and onto the Lake Como area in a place called Bellagio.

Despite the weather being unseasonably warm for Europe - so unseasonable we didn't think to book places with AC until we got to we have all been a bit toasty.  The pictures are deceiving calm at times - we were a bit hot and it seemed the only thing that kept us going was liters and liters of water along with mandatory Gelato at least twice per day.

Enjoy some pics of the trip.  Prague below.

 Unfortunately my Czech isn't very good - how was I to know this was a no driving road when all the cars were headed that way and the GPS told me to?  It started out at an 80 euro fine paid on the spot - then he reduced to 40 euros and then gave us 20 euros back (about $25 was the cost).  Not sure if it was legit - but glad to get out of town otherwise unscathed.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, the sights are beautiful. I can't imagine being able to see all that. The family seemed to have a great time. The buildings were amazing. It boggles the mind building those beautiful building.

    Glad the ticket wasn't too much. At least we didn't have to send money to bail you all out of jail. You know that traveling abroad is tough. LOL LOL


    Mom & Pop
