
Saturday, June 20, 2015


Well it was announced this week that at work that we will be returning to KC around the 1st of September.  I will keep my role as the International CIO, but will just do it from KC - traveling to the UK once a month. 

It is a weird feeling as we confront this adventure coming to an end soon.  More on that later.  Suffice it to say we have a lot to do between now and then - more memories to make and plans for the next adventure ahead.



  1. WHAT!!!! Oh my goodness. Welcome home.

  2. Yay, yippee, wooohoooo, and all the other things we could say. We will be glad to see you in the USA.

    But we know that it has to be a hard on all as you all have made friends and really became a part of the UK. At least you can keep in touch and with Dave going once a month he will still keep a little of UK in the home. It will quite a resume for these children to have seen all these places and enjoyed their time there. We would have never gone to Europe without you all being there. Was great fun for us as well.

    Love to all,

    Mom & Pop

  3. Home?!? That's great news to everyone here! We hope and pray that the transition goes well. Give our best to the kiddos, I know it's not easy to up and move away from friends.
