
Sunday, November 2, 2014


The other night at dinner...Sadie brought over a 3x5 card with this word written on it and said I think I know how to spell Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.  We looked at the card and she did very well - only missed a few letters.  A long time ago I had told Sadie when I was a kid I taught myself to spell this word when I was doing spelling she must have been inspired to try herself.

Kel and I were pretty proud and I then told Sadie, "I bet you can't spell PNEUMONIA".  She asked what that was and we told her. She thought for awhile...then I asked you know what it starts with...without hesitation she said "P".  Kel and I looked at each other in bewilderment.  We asked how did she know that...and she said I thought it probably started with the same letter as pneumatic and we just learned that in school when we did our art project with a shot connected to an air hose to raise the mouth on our puppet.  We were quite amazed.

See art project below.

I then did something I probably shouldn't have done....I yelled for Chloe (age 15).  What letter does PNEMONIA start can guess for yourself which constanant she chose...(it wasn't P)...I then yelled to Dawson (12) and asked the same...and he responded the same as his 15 year old sister....not his 7 year old sister.  Oh well...they didn't have the benefit of pneumatic art lessons at age 7 I suppose.


  1. pneumonia. That word takes me back.

    Proud of you Sadie!

    Aunt di

  2. Wow, they say out of the mouth of babes.......She is forever learning and surprising people. She is one smart cookie as well as the other 2.

    I also remember the spelling bees. Lots of memories.


    Mom & Pop
