
Sunday, November 2, 2014


Halloween isn't as big in the UK as it is in the US so there is a lot less decorations in stores and homes.  We saw a few trick or treaters out on the streets as we were taking Sadie and Dawson to a friends house who took them to the local Air Force Base where a number of Americans are stationed and they enjoyed some trunk or treat fun and some games.  Chloe met some friends for dinner in Harrogate which left a bit of free time for Kel and I to grab a quick dinner of Tapas in Harrogate.  Not our typical Halloween but that's the way we do it England style!


  1. Loved the outfits guys and Chloe went as...a beautiful young woman! Wow you look pretty.

    The trunk or treat looked like a blast.

    Love you
    Aunt di

  2. There were some very spooky characters there. Especially the cat and the guy in black. Chloe as usual was so pretty and growing so fast.

    Looks like a fun time. Dave don't tell me that is you in the trunk of that car waiting. You had said you had lost lots of weight..LOL

    Love you all,

    Mom & Pop
