
Sunday, December 1, 2013


While it was quite different celebrating Thanksgiving in a country that Americans are spending time celebrating that they left...hmmm...and not being off work or school, Kel prepared an amazing dinner on Thursday night and we were able to facetime with family in KC and New Orleans and it was almost like we were there. 

Enjoy some pics of our delightful dinner from the best American chef in all of wife.



  1. Yummy Yummy in my tummy. Wow what a great meal. I bet everyone was stuffed when they were through. Kelly you did a great job.

    Wow your food looked so good. I didn't see the black olives though. Wish we could have all been there to share it with you all.


    Mom and Pop

  2. For being in England, you sure brought some real american traditions to the dinner table. Loved everything and figured you were cooking all day. So glad you guys had your own Thanksgiving dinner even if you were living in the country we were thankful we left :). Bizarre turn of events, isn't it?

    Thanks for sharing and know that you were missed at our dinner table.
    Love you,
    Aunt Di
