
Sunday, December 1, 2013


Dawson and I were lucky enough to have a boys weekend this weekend.  We took the train from Harrogate to Manchester - about 1.5 hours by car...took 3 hours by late on Friday night.

We spent Saturday morning swimming and chilling at the hotel and then went to the Rugby World Cup (Super Bowl of Rugby) where Australia was playing New Zealand.  It wasn't much of a match..Australia clobbered New Zealand...but it was fun never the less.

Back to hotel for more swimming and chilling.  Great boys weekend.

 Leeds train Station
 Train to Manchester
 Breakfast in Hotel
 Interesting outside urinals that were all over the grounds....being used in plain daylight.

 Lunch at the stadium before the game

 The Old Trafford Stadium where the match was and where Manchester United plays soccer

Swimming time!
the New Zealand team does a war chant before the game called The was neat to see in person...although their chant was the most intimidating part of their game.



  1. What a great men's weekend away that was. Looked like it was lots of fun with all the people and players.

    Well I wonder what they figured the girls would use while you all were using your honey buckets? Talk about freedom that is there for sure.

    Glad you had a great time swimming and all.


    Mom and Pop

  2. That looked like a really fun weekend. Train ride, pool + hotel, soccer, out-door urinals? Check. Looks like you 2 had a great men only weekend.

    Love you,
    Aunt Di
