
Sunday, September 14, 2014


As we have all been dealing with pending surgeries and recovering from surgeries...we couldn't stand to be couped up in the house for one more day, so we ventured out to a reservoir for a nice 6 mile walk.  It was a beautiful fall day for a Sunday Hike.



  1. Oh my gosh what a pretty place.....After six miles I would have needed some type of surgery...LOL....

    Are those blackberries.? Looks like it.

    I love one of the flowers with Sadie laying in them...those would be my favorite.

    I am glad that all felt well enough to get out and get some fresh air today.

    Thinking of you all.

    Love and Hugs.

    Mom & Pop

  2. I didn't see this at first but......Does Miss Sadie have ear rings in her ears?????? Looked as if they might have been pierced........


  3. That is beautiful. What an amazing variation in colors. Glad you guys found a good way to get out of the house. Good luck on the surgeries to come!
